Friday, September 19, 2008


Here are some other randoms I found. As usual (for now anyways), these are a couple years old. New shit (as usual) will be up soon.

This is something I did for Bitch, You Know What I Want (some band from around here). My little brother (Ivan) did the coloring on photoshop.

About divorce I guess.

I guess I thought at one point that would make cool

I can't find the original, but this is the final product after Ivan did some coloring on PS.

This was supposed to be for some shitty numetal band but they never used it. Once again I can't find the original but this is the final product after Ivan worked his magic on PS.

This was later used for a flyer, Ivan did shading on PS.

Did this during spare in high school 2003. Ivan colored Uncle Sam via PS.

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